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Did 20-plus Governors Just Pull a Psy-Op on the Public?

Did 20-plus Governors Just Pull a Psy-Op on the Public?

Some in the media are already wondering if the language in the letter is a pyschological operation or attempt at policy making.

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox has intiated and sent a letter to President Joe Biden with the support of 24 other Republican governors. The letter is asking the Biden Administration to provide accurate and detailed information on migrants entering the country.

The letter outlines challenges states are experiencing across America, which include overwhelmed law enforcement, infrastructure and government programs, amid record levels of illegal border crossings.

The letter also claims the federal government has turned “a blind eye” to the myriad of problems illegal immigration has created and left the governors in the dark on how to address the issue by not providing immediate, transparent information regarding the this border crisis.

But the letter also represents a shift in language by the governors. Is this a Psychological Operation on the American Public to accept illegal immigration as the new normal?

Previously the rhetoric centered around stopping illegal immigration, whereas this letter focuses on tracking immigrants. This represents a momental shift in elected official discourse and framwork of the public conversation.